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Damn fins. No, not the people in the scandinavian country. I'm talking about the key styling element of most of the late 1950s american cars. The climax of form without function. The perfection of senselessness. They're just so overdone they almost seem cartoonish. Just like the cars that wear them. Whether you like them or not, there aren't many car designs where the fins are so successfully integrated into the overall look like on the 1959 Chevy. An impressive, great looking car in most parts. With just one big blemish: The windshield. Just too high, kinda out of place. Like some thick, ugly glasses in a pretty girl's face.

Well, there are ways to get rid of this. And while it takes a real man to cut one up, it takes a real man to cut up a car with a panoramic windshield. That's what some unknown builder did to this 1959 Impala hard top coupe called Creamcycle. And he did it so good, it makes me wonder why it wasn't done to fifty-nines more often. Hell, it looks like it just cruised right out of a Keith Weesner painting! Or imagine seeing this thing driving by at night... Fuck yeah, fins. (BaT)

Original: LOWTECH :: traditional hot rods and customs online

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